
Showing posts from October, 2015

Construction methods has heightened to the core to design the finest

Emirates Office Tower is a high-rise building positioned in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, construction for the structure was commenced in the year 1996 which was accomplished in the year 1999. The structure rises to the peak architectural height of 354.6 meters whilst to the rooftop and topmost floor it is 311 meters and 241.4 meters respectively, it houses 54 floors in total and lies on overall ground area of 100,000 square meters. The design of the tower is considered to be a complex one indicating contemporary commercial era structural design, the structure consists of 3 big principal walls supporting the weight shifted at 4 levels through huge steel strings which remains linked to the centers with help of post tensioning and cut off fasten construction. The tower is hemmed in through attire of silvery aluminum windowpanes, shiny and copper reflective cut-glass. Each tower as of foundation is near to the ground wavy structure accumulating parking area and service essentia

Designing a bridge still call for robustness nonetheless these days it entails perceptiveness for the vision

Clyde Arc, a bridge to be found in Glasgow, Scotland, is motor automobiles, cyclists and ambler’s twofold traffic lane roadway, as well familiar as Squinty Bridge. Construction for the bridge was initiated in the year 2005 and was accomplished so inaugurated in the following year; lengthiest span covered by the one is 96 matters and is a toll free construction. Estimated construction cost for the bridge was 20.3 million British Pounds and is projected to abide for a period of 120 years. The noticeable feature of the structure is the groundbreaking arched shape and its manner of intersection crossing the waterway at is actual position. The construction of the bridge was collaboration of two different engineering and structural designers’ enterprises, stacking task for the bridge was structured from a huge balanced elbow on the Arc whereas the superstructure was made-up off the site and the concrete portions for bridge floor were structured utilizing onsite prefabrication patio